Last week’s session was intense, and I’m confident the remaining days will be equally challenging. Tomorrow will be day 25 of 30, and I’m ready to tackle whatever comes next.
As the photo below shows, you never know who you will meet in the halls of the capitol.
Here is a look at what happened in last week’s session, a sneak peek of what is coming this week, and what is happening in the 57th District!

Senate Bill 79 Update
There is not much news to report on SB79, and this is a case of no news being good news.
SB79 was not on the agenda for discussion last week during our House Standing Committee on State Government meeting. I don’t expect it will be this week either, but I will keep a close eye on it and encourage you to do the same.
The agenda for this week’s committee meeting won’t be available until Wednesday. You can keep an eye on the agenda here: https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/CommitteeDocuments/93/
If you have followed the legislature in the past, you know a lot of strange things can happen in the final days. Again, I encourage you, your friends, and your family to keep up the pressure.
We are in this together!
Bridge Update
As I told you last week, the Transportation Cabinet has narrowed the options to two. The problem now is that the two options have hugely different price tags.
Given the current chaos in Washington and time running out in this year’s session, making an informed decision is challenging.
While efforts continue to secure funding, the cabinet is proceeding with essential preparatory work, hoping that the financial aspects can be resolved by the time this work is completed.
I will continue to work with the City, the Governor’s Office, the Department of Transportation, and legislative leadership and keep you posted.
No, on HB 4
There was a heated debate in committee on the floor. Despite what some of my colleagues across the aisle say, DEI is not about putting lower-qualified minorities ahead of more highly qualified-white people. DEI is to ensure that lower-qualified white men are not put ahead of MORE highly qualified women, African Americans, older people, and veterans.
As one of my legislative colleagues said, House Bill 4 “will let every single Kentuckian know who needs diversity, equity, and inclusion and that you’re not welcome.”
No, on HB 495
Another profoundly divisive issue was HB 495, which would legalize “Conversation Therapy.” All the evidence points to this so-called “therapy” harming LGBTQ youth, leaving lifelong scars, and it has no place here or anywhere.
The irony is that the bill sponsor has tried to make this statement about parental rights. But last session, on equally insufficient evidence, the legislature removed a parent’s right to seek gender-affirming care for their children.
Yes, on SB 73
Not everything we dealt with last week was as controversial. I was proud to vote for Senate Bill 73, which seeks to clamp down on sexual extortion by creating tougher penalties for offenders and more legal remedies for victims. The bill also requires schools and colleges to educate students and parents about the issue and display resources for reporting.
Coming Up
I anticipate that a large number of bills will be introduced on the floor with the veto period beginning on March 15. It’s shaping up to be a busy time ahead!
March 21-28: Frankfort Burger Madness Burger Week!
March 28: Sine Die (End of Session)
March 29: Franklin County Democratic Woman’s Club presents “Hats Off! Luncheon Honoring Changemakers” 11:30 am at Frankfort Country Club
March 30: Deadline for submissions for the Franklin County Democratic Woman’s Club Scholarship
April 19: Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off, 8-12, 309 Rouse Ave
April 24: Chamber Gala at the KSU Research Farm, 4:30 pm – 8:30 pm
April 28: “Capital to Campus” 6pm and Eastern Kentucky University
If you have an event you’d like to be included in upcoming newsletters, please email me at Erika@Erika4KY.com with the details.
Office: Annex Room #467-B
Phone: 502-564-8100
Email: erika.hancock@kylegislature.gov
Cell: 502-229-6544
Email: Erika@Erika4KY.com
Web: Erika4KY.com